Sunday, October 25, 2009

Koo/ Tan vs Boe/Mogensen

Interview: Danes very disappointed - Mogensen blaming the service judge, I don't think he should as he himself has a very questionable service. Reporter letting them off the hook. These comments would have resulted in a fine in many other professional sports.

21-17: Tan kills at net - danes ran out of steam and looked to have a hard time - the malaysians looked like having fun

20-17: Tan Smashes for 3 match points 75 minutes pplayed

19-17: return fault Mogensen

18-17: Misunderstanding

17-17: Good return by Koo forces Boe mistake

16-17: Kill by Mogensen

16-16: mishit by Mogensen

He is now being warned for wanting the ref on court - that s wrong

Big discussion Mogensen took to ball, he catched it but the umpire didn't see it

15-16: Crooscourt smash from Tan

14-16: Coaches cheering

14-15: Danes dominating netplay

14-14: Fast reaction from Mogensen at net - danes flicking a lot now

14-13: Tan mistake - no more smiles

14-12: Tan long - still smiling

14-11: Boe smash long

13-11: Mogensen in the net from level

12-11: Boe dominating the net

12-10: Great return from Boe

12-9: Tan plays smart and succeeds

11-9: Boe killing it

11-8: Tan plays smart but is unsuccesful

11-7: danes having trouble in offence when being moved

10-7: Koo dominating at the net atm

7-7: Pointexchange

5-5: Koo at the net

4-5: Great follow up by Mogensen

4-4: Danes in fierce attack eventually Mogensen smash in net

2-4: Good variation from danes

2-3: Boe wide from below net

1-3: Tan lob long

0-2: Danes play well after service

21-14: Who has the most power - who's in luck today

20-14: Strange rally each pair daring the other to smash with short high lobs

19-13: Boe in the net

18-13: Koo read Mogensen and kills it on Boes nose

17-13: Mogensen wide again but Tan returns it and Boe kills

17-12: Mogensen wide

16-12: Long rally Mogensen defense wide

15-12: boe dominating Koo at net !!!

15-10: Mogensen smash in net

14-10: Mogensen looking tired

13-10: And kills from net

12-10: Tan goes wild and hits it in the net

12-8: Mogensen mistake at net

11-8: Boe faulted in service

10-7: Hmm..

7-7: Could be neck to neck from now on. In that case the danes has the advantage of being one game up

5-5: Long rally - both pairs very patient now

3-4: Malaysian tries to keep shuttle low

1-3: Danes very patient in their attack

0-2: Koo in the net

0-1: Mogensen powerattack


20-20: Boe defense in the net

19-20: Koo defense long

19-19: Great block from Mogensen. Koo throws himself invain

19-18: Boe long in a show rally with tricky shots - very different style of mens doubles due to the shuttles

18-18: Mogensen long

17-18: Mogensen into the net

16-18: Long rally Boe puts it to the net. Slow slow shuttles

15-18: Defense forces malaysian mistake

15-17: Great play in service situation by danes

15-16: Mogensen squashes the shuttle into the net - danes leading 15-7 since their awful start

14-15: Shuttles are slow, winners are going to work hard

13-13: Powerful attack by Mogensen

13-12: Boe puts it wide

12-12: Easy point for danes

12-11: Great shots by both malaysians


10-9: The danish defense is better now

10-8: Boe hits Koo in the face

9-6: Flick by Mogensen, crosscourt kill by Boe

9-5: Koo smash in the net

8-3: Kill from Mogense hits the net

6-1: Koo/Tan controlling the beginning of the match

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